Archive | April 2, 2013

Dr. Seuss’s ABC


Written and Illustrated by Dr. Seuss

Random House, 1963


Big B, little b.  What begins with B?

Barber baby bubbles and a bumblebee

The alphabet theme:   No real theme here, just a collection of words strung together by a Dr. Seuss rhyme

You can't under value the importance of oiling your orange owls.

You can’t under value the importance of oiling your orange owls.

I think pretty much everyone grew up with this book.  I had it, every kid I babysat for had it and it was one of the first books I bought for my kids.  It’s easy and fun to read, particularly when you get to G and get to read, “Goat, girl, goo-goo goggles.”  Goo-goo goggles?  Haven’t yet met the little one who doesn’t find that funny.

This book bears the ‘I Can Read It All By Myself’ mark in the corner.  I am pretty sure it was the first book my oldest daughter read to me from.  This book came out eight years after Dr. Seuss wrote his alternative alphabet book, On Beyond Zebra.  I like that he wrote a book about a silly alphabet before he wrote one about the real one.  If you (or your little one) are a big fan of this one, you may want to check out the app for iPhone and iPad.

The X Factor:  Dr. Seuss was content with putting the X’s in where he could and didn’t feel the need to force in a xylophone.  Considering that, just two years after this book, he wrote a book called Fox in Socks, with a character named Knox, I guess we can let him slide.